-Automotive UX - Taking a look at some difficult round UX/UI concepts on a touch screen.
Climate mode 1 Climate mode 1 notes
climate mode climate mode 2 notes
Media mode Media mode 2

-MOTOROLA - Prototyping
-Alex was first hired onto the Prototyping team.

-Music Player - This is a layout and part of a flow concept for a music player and information application.
music player screen

-Personal Assistance - an exploration of additional features that save time and get you a better quality of life.
-How could a quick turn of a "Mode" dial change numerous settings and start applications?
new Assist features new Assist features

-Home Automation - setting up a UI with fun 3D animated objects.
fan animation

-Nitro - Taking the phone into the car and having the car be the extension and similar experience as the phone.
car mode dash concept identification animation dash home page rerouting page

©2018 Alex Vaz Waddington

jump to mobile resolution view
jump to mobile view